Embracing Change: How Yoga Can Support You Through Major Life Decisions Jul 17, 2024

Are you feeling the pull for a major shift in your life? Maybe you're stuck in a job that no longer inspires you, contemplating leaving a relationship, or simply yearning for more fulfillment and...

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Healing through Yoga, Fitness, & Plant-Based Supplements Jul 10, 2024

My journey is one of healing—a continuous, ongoing path that I'm sharing to inspire others on their own journey toward health, wellness, and happiness. It's important to note that while...

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Intensive YTT vs 6-month Module Style 200 Hr YTT Programs May 27, 2024

So, you've made the exciting decision to embark on a 200hr yoga teacher training journey, but now you're faced with the daunting task of choosing the right program for you. With countless options...

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Manifesting Your Dreams: Building Your Dream Life Through Manifestation and Travel May 13, 2024


Are you tired of hearing about manifestation only in mystical terms? Let’s strip away the mystique and dive into the science behind manifesting your dream life. Yes, you read that...

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Choosing the right mentor for a more embodied practice May 03, 2024


When hiring a mentor to strengthen your skills and hone your practice as a yoga teacher & wellness professional, it’s key to find someone who is the right fit for you. 


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What Nashville taught me about aligned mentorship #community #empowerment #transformation Apr 18, 2024

Last month, I was invited to join my good friend in Nashville for an entrepreneur networking & motivational speaking conference. 

Whenever I travel, I try to find deeper meanings that go...

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How to begin investing in YOURSELF Mar 16, 2024

In a world where external investments like material possessions, impulsive purchases, and "the next best thing" are often given top priority, there's one investment that's frequently overlooked:...

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Unlocking the Next Phase of Your Healing Journey Feb 21, 2024

Ever felt that gentle nudge from the universe, signaling it might be time to take your healing journey up a notch? 


In the dance of life, we often find ourselves at crossroads, feeling...

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Transmuting the Power of Travel Feb 10, 2024

In the spirit of growth and self-discovery, let's dive even deeper into HOW to utilize the profound influence that travel can have on our experience on this planet.

The key point is this: Travel...

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Dive into the Dance of Transformation 🌍✨ Jan 13, 2024

Have you ever felt the pull of change, nudging you towards a new chapter, only to find yourself hesitating at the threshold? 


Let's dive deep into this dance of transformation, drawing...

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A Journey Home through Distant Shores Dec 30, 2023

Life’s unpredictable dance led me to this moment, a kaleidoscope of growth and resilience. Of continuous leaps of faith and accumulation of bumps & bruises as I failed forward in the...

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The Magic of Supporting Small Businesses #community #local #smallbussiness #support Nov 29, 2023

 There's something magical about small businesses—a rich tapestry woven with dreams, passion, and innovation. It's more than a transaction; it's an embrace of unique stories, a...

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