What Nashville taught me about aligned mentorship

#community #empowerment #transformation Apr 18, 2024

Last month, I was invited to join my good friend in Nashville for an entrepreneur networking & motivational speaking conference. 

Whenever I travel, I try to find deeper meanings that go far beyond surface-level experiences. I thank my yoga practice for this because it’s taught me that self-discovery is a never-ending journey and that there is always something to learn from others.

So, while Nashville is known for its delicious food, lively atmosphere, and music-centered culture, what I walked away with ran vastly deeper than that.


Those 3 days changed me on a cellular level.


Spending an entire weekend in a room of coaches, mentors, and entrepreneurs will do that to you. 

These are driven people (hello, Trent Shelton) who have all danced with the spirit of resilience and still managed to climb their way to the top despite the valleys, canyons, and mountains they’ve come across.

This was a full-body experience that relit the fire in my heart that I have for The Embodied Warrior, renewing my focus and pushing me to take action to achieve my beautiful dreams of moving into yoga teacher mentorship and coaching for wellness professionals.

During the weekend, my mind raced with inspiration and ways to strengthen The Embodied Warrior beyond what it already is. 

I reflected inward to brainstorm the question, “What can I do to amplify your journey as you embody your highest calling?”


This weekend was the retune my soul needed to keep carrying out my mission as I asked myself. . . 


How can I breathe fresh life into my yoga retreats

How can I elevate my yoga teacher training school to make an even more significant impact? 

How can I amplify my upcoming sound healing facilitator training? 

How can I step deeper into a leadership role as a yoga teacher, mentor, and wellness professional business coach?

I had several main takeaways from the motivational speakers and entrepreneurs I had the honor of connecting with, and I’m sharing them with you in hopes that your spark is re-lit, too. 


1. "Give yourself to what could happen" -Michael Fabber 


Life is too short NOT to chase after what you want. 

Imagine waking up two years from now, never investing in the transformational yoga retreat, opening the yoga studio that’s been on your heart, or enrolling in a yoga teacher training

On the flip side, imagine emerging on the other side with the dreams you once thought to be out of reach, sitting in the palm of your hand because you chose to take the leap

Which one do you prefer? 

* If you’ve been thinking about venturing toward yoga teacher certification, now’s your time! The Embodied Warrior 200hr YTT will guide you to create a deeper connection with your soul & yourself while becoming certified through Yoga Alliance!


2. "Where is your life trajectory?" -Dr. Bob McClelland


What you are doing every day is an indicator of where you will end. 

Do you have a morning routine, meditation, or prayer ritual that fills your cup for the day?

Are you taking consistent, aligned steps toward building your wellness or yoga business? 

Committing to regular action, whether it’s big or small, will set your life’s trajectory in the direction you want to be moving. 


3. "That's where your power is, is when you own everything you are." -Trent Shelton


This one hit hard because it’s my mission in life.

My wholehearted mission in life is to create experiences and safe spaces so you can step into the most embodied, aligned version of yourself.

My 200hr Yoga Teacher Trainings, Transformational Yoga Retreats and 1:1 coaching & mentorship containers are the guiding light leading you to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Everything I share with you in these containers helps you live in your truth so you can create a life that you love while making the same impact on the amazing souls who cross your path. 

You don't have to settle for anything less than what sets your soul on fire. That’s where your power lives.


In conclusion, 


That weekend in Nashville, the spark inside of me was re-lit, and I’m sharing this with you in hopes that it will do the same for yourself. 

I’ve seen the effect that surrounding yourself with people who align with your version of wonder, enchantment, and magic has on the way you move down your own path.

Working with mentors and coaches who reflect what you hold in your heart will help even your wildest dreams come to fruition in ways you may never have thought possible. 



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